Happy Birthday (S)Abba!
We hope you are enjoying your weekend away. We love you! And Hadas says she will buy you something with her Canada money.
Here all is well. So many events have taken place since I last wrote – Purim, Pessach, and Independence Day. There must have been a million hysterical incidents with my girls over the last few months, but I can’t seem to remember any of them right now.
There is of course the time around Yom Hashoah, when Hadas insisted that the Chinese were responsible for the Holocaust. And then there was a great deal of explaining to her that when I went to Germany from work, I did not have to stay in the ghetto (although the Holiday Inn could use a little updating).
There are the Yom Haatzmaut songs – which for some reason when Hadas translates to English, she replaces Yisrael with Canada.
For example in Hebrew – Ani Israeli – li – li, V’Ze haybait sheli – li – li
And the English version: I am Canada – and this is my house. I must admit the English version does not move me quite as much as the Hebrew one.
Ayelet is quite the character too. Her comprehension is really amazing and she is becoming more verbal and deliberate in her actions. Like the way she deliberately drops individual cheerios on the floor just to see how they land. And the way she stands pounding on the bathroom door, shouting “Mum! Mum!”
My girls are growing up. I am trying to find that fine line between overprotective and negligent. Although I suppose there is quite a large grey area in there. And it’s the little things that I have to learn to let go of. Like letting Hadas have a knife at the table or run upstairs by herself to retrieve something she has forgotten in the house (OK it was something I forgot, but I still let her go by herself).
Hadas’s fifth birthday is coming up soon. I don’t know how that happened. Must plan party for 30 kindergartners. Should I go all creative and do it myself? Or hire a clown? The great debate begins.
Here all is well. So many events have taken place since I last wrote – Purim, Pessach, and Independence Day. There must have been a million hysterical incidents with my girls over the last few months, but I can’t seem to remember any of them right now.
There is of course the time around Yom Hashoah, when Hadas insisted that the Chinese were responsible for the Holocaust. And then there was a great deal of explaining to her that when I went to Germany from work, I did not have to stay in the ghetto (although the Holiday Inn could use a little updating).
There are the Yom Haatzmaut songs – which for some reason when Hadas translates to English, she replaces Yisrael with Canada.
For example in Hebrew – Ani Israeli – li – li, V’Ze haybait sheli – li – li
And the English version: I am Canada – and this is my house. I must admit the English version does not move me quite as much as the Hebrew one.
Ayelet is quite the character too. Her comprehension is really amazing and she is becoming more verbal and deliberate in her actions. Like the way she deliberately drops individual cheerios on the floor just to see how they land. And the way she stands pounding on the bathroom door, shouting “Mum! Mum!”
My girls are growing up. I am trying to find that fine line between overprotective and negligent. Although I suppose there is quite a large grey area in there. And it’s the little things that I have to learn to let go of. Like letting Hadas have a knife at the table or run upstairs by herself to retrieve something she has forgotten in the house (OK it was something I forgot, but I still let her go by herself).
Hadas’s fifth birthday is coming up soon. I don’t know how that happened. Must plan party for 30 kindergartners. Should I go all creative and do it myself? Or hire a clown? The great debate begins.
Some pictures to tide you over until my return to normal blogging mode in 2012.
Here are my Purim princesses... Aren't they the cat's meow ;-)
Now can you see the family resemblence?
Our Pessach Adventures to the Great Green North.
Happy 60th Israel!
A celebration with 9 kindergarten classes.
Should have cropped the ball scratcher - oh well.
Our trip to the Great Brown South.