Monday, February 11, 2008

A quickie


I have had very little blogging time lately, as many people have pointed out to me. Whatchya gonna do, sue me?

Is it my job to fill in your downtime at work with senseless ramblings about our everyday lives? I think my mum would say yes.

So here is a quickie - a couple Hadasisms.

The other day Hadas and I were in the car talking about Hebrew birthdays and English birthdays... it was Ruby's Hebrew birthday and she wanted to buy him balloons and I said we would wait for his English birthday.. a pause... OK.

Hadas: You know Mum, I don't want the kids to bring me presents.

Me: You don't?

Hadas: No, we can have a Tzedakah Box and the kids can bring money and then we can go around asking poor people if they have money and if they say no, we can give them some.

Me: Well Hadasi, that is so thoughtful of you... (and then I went on to explain how maybe we could give it to an organization instead of possibly embarrasing people by asking them if they are poor and need money).

Hadas: That's good too.

Then there is this long pause, and I am just thinking what a generous daughter I have.

Hadas: And for my English birthday they can bring me presents.

Me: Doh!

But she really is very kind... just this morning we were getting into the car and I accidentally triggered the car alarm.

Hadas: Baruch Rofeh Cholim (Blessed is the Healer of the Sick)

Me: Oh for Abba (Ruby is home sick today)

Hadas: No for the ambulance

What a tzadikah!

Ayelet is also doing well - not quite Grade 11... Her first birthday is coming up! I don't know where the year has gone!! Her personality is coming out more and more each day. I am now noticing that she cries to get what she wants - as opposed to crying just because she is a baby. We are going to have so much fun with that!!

And here are a couple somewhat old pictures:

And to end it.. A very happy birthday to Gilad Domb who is celebrating his 5th birthday!! You have come a long way! (I hope his mum doesn't mind I posted some nostalgic pictures)


Anonymous said...

With a title like that, I was hoping for something a little more salacious...

That Hadasi, so sweet and smart. I see a future lawyer on your hands!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're still in Grade 10, Debs. You write so well!

Anonymous said...

Great story

Can't wait to see you all again.

I can hear them speaking in my head. Doh.