That kind of sounds a lot like my life actually, what to tackle first? the laundry? supper? bathtime? Maybe I should feed the girls supper in the bath fully dressed!! That would be killing three birds with one stone! Not that I support the mindless killing of birds with stones - now shotguns, that's another story.
The girls are good. Ayelet is mischievous, crawling all over the place and messing up her Abba's computer. She crawls towards it, looks over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eye to see if I am watching and then, whack!! Ruby of course loves when the girls touch his beloved computer! That's him repairing whatever damage she had done, and her giggling at the mayhem she caused.
Ayelet also had a cold (still clinging to it actually) and is teething, which has led to a lot of sleepless nights the last couple of weeks (another reason it has taken me so long to blog - my brain is mushy a lot of days). I think I can see the top tooth pushing through so hopefully things will settle down. Although there are some nights, I really don't think I am going to make it through.
Hadas told me that she can help Ayelet at night if I want. That would be great, except she seems to sleep through everything. Like this morning, she came in to our room and said, Ayelet was a good girl last night, didn't bother her at all, and now she is just talking in her crib, not crying or anything. Well, where was she at 2:30 in the morning when I was in there trying to soothe Ayelet back to sleep!! !#^&%@#&^ I hope you mothers out there can relate, and I am not the only one close to losing it sometimes.
Hadas has been really good to her sister though. The girls were sitting together watching something on TV (I know some of you think that TV for youngsters is evil, but I LOVE it!), and Hadas was having some crackers and cottage cheese. I asked her to give Ayelet half a cracker, which she kindly did, and continued to do at appropriate intervals when Ayelet turned to her for more. I said, "Thank you big sister for all the crackers."
Hadas said, "She doesn't have to thank me she's my sister!" Like my mum says, I hope it lasts. Thinking back, I can't remember a single fight between my sisters and me... um, OK, maybe one or two (thousand). But we are great friends now, so that's what counts. And as you can see from the picture below, Hadas has got Ayelet's back!
Me, Hadas drives crazy sometimes. Anything I ask her to do, (pick up her toys, get ready for a shower, put away her dishes, etc.) she responds by saying, "First I want to tell you something." Usually she has nothing to say, she's just being a good little procrastinator, but I got to remember that the time is coming when she might not want to "tell me something", so I better enjoy these moments that she wants to share with me.
The moments when the kids are clinging to you and you just want to peel them off, try to just hold on a little longer, stay and tell one more story, let her tell you one more thing, before the door on that little world is closed, with a do not enter sign.
I hope that doesn't sound depressing, I don't mean for it to be. It's just my realization about how fast time goes by, suddenly Ayelet is wearing clothes, that I am sure Hadas was wearing just last week.
And for all of you who offered Hadas to come play in the snow with them, she asked, "Don't they know I live in Israel? And Canada is really far?"
Love you all. Countdown to Hannukah is on!!
Another nice post, deborah! Don't let ruby turn the living room into NORAD or some kind of control center. Poor man needs a den of his own, surrounded by all those girls!
hugs and kisses
It was really you and Karen fighting and me sighing and rolling my eyes. Ok - except for repeatedly throwing your Cabbage Patch doll Sonia down the stairs CLUNK! Did we ever apologize for that? No?............
xo Aimee
The good thing about being an empty-nester is the older I get...the better you girls were as children. I don't remember fights, homework issues or bathtime fiascos. I also don't remember where I put the keys have the time.
Bubie X
or how to spell half.
Aim - I was thinking about sonia while i wrote this blog... the smack of her face on the basement floor still rings in my ears...
and ak - ruby has a room for the computer you know, he just keeps extending his collection and is taking over the house!! P.S. Welcome back.
BX - tee hee.
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