Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tabernacle Feasts for Everyone!

The Sukkot holiday is well underway! We spent the first chag with our friends the Dombs, who will become - if things don't change in the next twenty years - our inlaws!

Hadas refers to Gilad as her Chatan (groom) and defers her dessert choices to him.

Sharon: Hadas what kind of cake would you like?

Hadas: Apple. No wait, my chatan is having chocolate, I'll have chocolate too.

Don't they make a lovely pair?

Short side note....
Speaking of lovely couples, I woke up the other days to the sounds of Bob the Builder, and someone was calling Bob, "Dad". My first thought was, has Bob finally made an honest woman out of Wendy? As it turns out, Bob's father was in town, and Bob and Wendy are still denying their love for eachother...

We also had our very own Sukkot miracle. Ruby's etrog got lost on the way to lunch on the first day of the holiday, and we abandoned all hope of ever finding it. But, lo and behold on the walk home, there it was, laid gently on the paper recycling bin. I mean in today's society, that someone wouldn't see our little lemon looking fruit lying on the ground and want it for themselves... OK, so maybe it wasn't a huge miracle, but I still think it counts for something.

Hadas (who delights in having her own hadasim to shake around) set up her own Sukkot feast for her toys - the boys, animals and Dora related figures were forced to stay outside, while the other girls partied in the Sukkah. We are very into women's lib at our house.

Ayelet has also made progress this holiday season. She now has two sharp lower front teeth - believe me they are sharp. She has started to go up on her knees and rock around a little bit, so her crawling days are nearing!

I also wanted to say thanks to all of you who wished me well as I began my descent into old age on Friday. I still think I am 19 though, heading to the mall with a sock around my neck, DMGL knows what I am talking about :-)

I also had a surprise waiting for me at work this morning! Candy, balloons, and a pig for my phone!! I am a lucky gal. Thanks to Y.A.N.S. for this lovely tribute!

Enjoy the rest of the holiday!!

P.S. I love you Abba, glad you are going home. Make sure you take it easy!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Milestones for all

Hi Everybody!
Sorry it has been such a long time. I have been very busy these last couple of weeks.

Mum and Dad were here, and we had a great time (and attended a lovely wedding - Mazal Tov Amichai and Tal) – crammed in enough meals for a whole month I think. My friend saw a picture of Mum and thought she might be my older sister! Very flattering…for my mother…
But it’s true, she does look good, I hope I look that good in 30 years.

Milestone 1 - Ayelet’s first tooth finally broke through – time to put on the steak! She doesn’t sleep through the night most nights, but was very considerate and slept all night Friday (Yom Kippur), so that I was mostly hungry and thirsty during the day, but not all that sleepy.

Hadas was a little less considerate during the day, asking me for something to eat about every five minutes. I finally got to the point where I said, “If you can reach it, you can have it!” She headed into the kitchen and I heard some rustling in the cupboard. Then she calls out, “I am using your chair to climb up!” Well, I gotta give her points for creativity.

I am sure a lot of other amusing things have happened over the last couple weeks, but they all escape me at the moment - probably cause of my old age (another upcoming milestone). I will start getting back on track with my blogging after the holidays.
Til then, be well.
Love, Deb
P.S. Very happy birthday greetings to Auntie Fraudie! and Sheila! who reached their own milestones in September.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy New Year!

We wish you and all your loved ones, a happy, healthy and joyous New Year.

May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life for a year of happiness and peace for Klal Yisrael.Shana Tova and Gmar Chatimah Tovah.
Ruby, Deborah, Hadas and Ayelet

Monday, September 3, 2007

New Beginnings, Old Obsessions

Both girls have started new programs this week.

Hadas has been very good about it - not a single tear. This may not seem astonishing, but she cried for three weeks straight at the beginning of last year. I know, she is a year older and as I am sure you can from these blogs, at least ten years wiser. Also, luckily she knows one little boy and one little girl who are also attending her new gan (JK).

It is hard to start in a new place, you sort of expect things to be the same as what you are used to. When we got to her gan yesterday morning, she went in a little bit warily and we went to look for a place to put down her bag. We found the wall of hooks outside the two bathroom doors (i.e. stalls) - and you early readers know how much I love bathrooms (
I have obviously passed on this trait to Hadas.

Me: I guess you hang up your bag here.

Hadas: Really, right outside the bathroom?

Me: Yup, maybe so you can wash your hands before you get your bag? (That sounds convincing right?)

Hadas, a little distraught: And how do I know which bathroom is for girls and which one is for boys, there is no sign!

Really, I am totally with her on that one. Growing up with sisters, I am all for GIRLS ONLY bathrooms! I was actually just thinking this morning, that in my next house I want a Deborah Only bathroom.
Anyway she made it through the whole day without incident (except for misplacing her bottle of water - the first of many I am sure). That's one day down, 260 more to go!

Ayelet on the other hand, has been miserable - poor baby. She seems to be a little bit under the weather (or maybe she's teething) and she hasn't been sleeping great these last couple nights (i.e. I am sooo tired). Couple that with the fact that she refuses to take formula, the mummy dairy isn't producing as much milk as before, and she entered a strange new environment and has started having separation anxiety - we get one kvetchy baby girl!

(BTW - if anybody has any suggestions for increasing milk supply please feel free to comment below - or even better how to get her to take formula - short of adding chocolate syrup - I am almost that desperate).

We are very lucky that her caregiver is so experienced, she isn't fazed by kvetchy babies and assures me that she will get settled into a routine soon enough. I know that's true, but it doesn't stop me from feeling guilty about leaving her - OK, not that guilty - it's almost nice to leave her somewhere where I know she will be taken care of and I can have all my body parts to myself.

Ayelet has also started talking. I was secretly obsessed with her lack of sound making, no combining consonants and vowels here - I mean come on, Babycenter said she was supposed to start saying baba and mama weeks ago!! Maybe I should go get that checked out!! Just kidding. Really, I think she was more interested in listening than talking (and Hadas speaks plenty for the both of them). But the last couple of nights (read - middle of the night) she has started uttering unintelligible phrases! It is so cute, I almost enjoy holding her at 4 in the morning.

Enjoy your day!