Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Well, that's cool...

Hello All,

Just a quick entry today to wish my wonderful sister Karen a very happy birthday! May this year present you with everything your heart desires!

Enjoy your semi-vegetarian thanksgiving utahian dinner!
Love you!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Million Dollar Blues

Two weeks ago, Hadas and I stopped at SuperPharm (the Israeli Shoppers Drug Mart), they were having a sale on hair accessories, so I told Hadas she could pick something. She chose a set of hairbands - you know the plastic kind in gold, silver, brown and an assortment of other colours. In the recent past I had purchased another set of hairbands for her, which were broken within a week (she wanted to see how flat she could make them, snap! Reminds me of a bridge made out of toothpicks), so I told her to be careful with these ones.

Ruby was home with the girls last week (I was out with work in the evening), and was getting Hadas ready for bed. She was wearing one of her beloved hairbands, and as she took of her shirt, it caught and snapped in two. She burst into tears and Ruby could not console her!

Ruby: It's OK Hadasi!

Hadas: No! Mummy is going to be so mad!

Ruby: No, it's OK, Mummy won't be mad. I'll buy you new ones.

Hadas: But you don't understand, it cost millions!

Ruby: I don't think it cost millions.

Hadas: Yes it did, they are gold and silver!

Ruby: I promise I have enough money to buy you new ones.

I think she was close to demanding bank statements as proof.

In other wasted income news... Yesterday morning I was giving the girls breakfast and opened the cupboard to put away the cereal, CRASH!! Two large jars of tomato sauce (the kind I have only just found again!) came crashing down at my feet! Tomato sauce all over the floor, the walls, the cupboard, my pajamas and slippers! I called Ruby into the kitchen to carry the girls out and proceeded to spend the next hour and a half cleaning up the glass and sauce. Plus I had a cut in my foot! Don't worry I am OK! Although I did use it to my advantage when telling Hadas why I couldn't play on the floor with her.

That playpen we talked about last week has really come in handy... Ayelet really gets around. Ruby was "watching" her, while I was resting on Friday (all ten minutes of it), and I heard Ayelet talking loudly. I went outside and saw Ruby sleeping on the couch and Ayelet crawling under the dining room table. Don't worry, he has been thoroughly chastised.

A couple special messages:

@Karen - have a great trip! Love you!

@ Bubie - I told Hadas you asked if there was something she wanted for Hanukkah -- there is, a beautiful dress for her Bat Mitzvah. The girl plans ahead what can I say?

Shavua Tov Everybody!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

On the move...

Hadas: Mum. Mummy. Mum.

My eyes flutter open.

Hadas: Ayelet is awake, she is waiting for you.

Me to her: Thanks sweetheart, good morning.

Me to myself: Noooooooooooooooooooo!!! I didn't hear her, I could have slept ten more minutes!!

Ayelet is getting very good at moving herself up and around (love that bum in the air!!). Yesterday, when I went in to pick her up from her nap, I saw a little hand holding on to the top railing of the crib. That cute milestone led to last night's two main activities, dropping her crib to the lowest setting and putting up the pack and play in the living room.

These pictures are from our recent outing to IKEA -- Ruby finally agreed to wear the Snugli, and loved it! You get much better service when you have a baby strapped on. (That's using your IKEA, blink blink.)

Hadas is also on the move, or at least she will be when she gets older. She asked me if we were going to go to Toronto for Benji's birthday party (hope you have a great time), and I said, no, it's a little bit too far to go for a party. She said, that OK, but when she is older she is going to move to Canada and then I can come visit her and she can visit me just like Bubie and Saba do. Ain't that a kick in the pants!!

And here for your viewing pleasure is Hadas wishing Benji... and all the November babies, a very happy birthday! We love you and wish you were here!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

If I'm 19, then you must be...

Hi All,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to use this very public forum to wish my dear sister Aimee a very happy and healthy birthday!

I really don't know where the time goes!

We love you so much over here! I will make sure to eat a giant piece of cake in your honour! And then in Benji's honour, and then Elana, Joel, Uncle Neal, Uncle Harold, Amichai and Karen's honours too. Man, that is going to be a big cake.

To the rest of you, keep working!!

Love, Deborah

Thursday, November 1, 2007

You're so vain you probably think this blog is about you

Don't forget to vote!! --->

I am only writing this to make you happy. I know how important it is for you to hear from us. You know who you are... or do you?

Since I am short on time today. I will just add a few pictures or maybe a video. As they say, a picture's worth 1000 words. (A video's gotta be worth more than that.)

Hadas is a very friendly girl as I have remarked in past entries. When we leave her gan, there is always a chorus of kids, calling "Hadas! Hadas!" from the passing vehicles. She has quickly made a lot of new friends in gan, and conducts ceremonies for the kids whose parents work at either Comverse or SAP.

Her level of humilty though.... that's another story.

A couple Hadas quotes to accompany the pictures.

"I love me."

"All the babies love me."

"Doesn't my hair look beautiful?"

"I look just like a princess!"

It is nice to have such a confident little girl. I hope the meaness that comes along in later grades, doesn't dampen her spirits.

Ayelet is a good girl too.