Thursday, November 1, 2007

You're so vain you probably think this blog is about you

Don't forget to vote!! --->

I am only writing this to make you happy. I know how important it is for you to hear from us. You know who you are... or do you?

Since I am short on time today. I will just add a few pictures or maybe a video. As they say, a picture's worth 1000 words. (A video's gotta be worth more than that.)

Hadas is a very friendly girl as I have remarked in past entries. When we leave her gan, there is always a chorus of kids, calling "Hadas! Hadas!" from the passing vehicles. She has quickly made a lot of new friends in gan, and conducts ceremonies for the kids whose parents work at either Comverse or SAP.

Her level of humilty though.... that's another story.

A couple Hadas quotes to accompany the pictures.

"I love me."

"All the babies love me."

"Doesn't my hair look beautiful?"

"I look just like a princess!"

It is nice to have such a confident little girl. I hope the meaness that comes along in later grades, doesn't dampen her spirits.

Ayelet is a good girl too.


Anonymous said...

One day Ayelet will read this and think "why is it always about Hadas and I'm still in "grade 10"...

thanks deb. this definitely is the highlight of the week (along with scrabble!)


Anonymous said...

so true about the 'grade 10' comment -LOL! But if you have another one (gd willing) Ayelet will say "I sing it at school!"

(OK -these are all inside jokes for the "Lev" family - sorry everyone else!).


Anonymous said...

thanks for the memories... it was grade 11!!

Anonymous said...

Aimee, just who is the 'everyone else' reading this?

And I like singing it at school!

Anonymous said...

Aimee, just who is the 'everyone else' reading this?

And I like singing it at school!

Anonymous said...

My Suggestion is to have the girls "make a list" of all complaints past, present, and future which they can read to Dr. Phil one day.

Love, an anonymous Bubie