Thursday evening, I made her some chicken nuggets and put them in a bowl for her to eat while she watches the latest "please let mummy have ten minutes to herself" DVD.
Me: Here's your food.
Her: Thanks, can I have a fork?
Me: (Oh crap, back to the kitchen again!) Sure, here's a fork.
She is now so focused on the singing and dancing on TV, she keeps missing the nuggets with the fork!
Me: You can use your hands you know.
Her: Then why did you bring me a fork?
Me: You asked for the fork!
Her: So why do you think I asked for it? To play with it?
She stabs the nugget with her fork and eats happily while swaying to the music. My four year old is going on 16!!
Friday evening, I am getting ready to light the Shabbat candles and Hadas is running around the living room swinging a piece of boondoggle with some large plastic buttons she has threaded onto it...
Me: Stop swinging that thing around, you are going to hit something or someone and then somebody will start crying!
Hadas: Who is going to cry?
Me: You, or Jelly, or me.
Hadas: Mummies cry?
Of course Mummies can cry! We're people too! If you prick us - with the pin that you found under the couch because Mummy forgot to put away the heart pin that came with the purple dress Bubie bought you - do we not bleed? If we hold the baby for half an hour while running around trying to put away the laundry only to find that her diaper has leaked and you have a ring of runny poop on your freshly laundered shirt, do we not smell?
But then I remembered, that to my four year old, I am not quite a person. I am the all seeing, all knowing, all cooking (OK, all microwaving) Mum. And, you know what? I hope that I get to be that Mum for a long time. I hope a long time passes before she realizes that I don't have the answers to everything, that my cooking skills are limited to what can be thrown together without having to measure ingredients, and that yes Mummies do cry.
I'm reading your blog while letting ollie scream upstairs in his crib. Is that wrong? (P.S. - great job so far!!! You've hit the heart pin nail on the head!)
Good luck! I hope your girls enjoy it in the future.
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