Monday, August 13, 2007

On second children and slavery...

Ayelet threw up last night. Twice. On me. And the couch.

I just handed her off to Ruby to change and I went to take a shower. (Yes I know! Ruby was home at a semi-decent hour!)

Last month her metapelet (nanny) called me to say that she had given her a bottle of formula and all seemed well, but an hour later.. bleh! My first reaction was not, "Oh my poor baby! I hope she isn't sick!". My first reaction was, "Oh man! I hope she didn't throw up all over the stroller!"

That is the sad fate of the second child, no frantic calls to the Doctor, no Mummy rushing home from work to stroke her brow. Just concern for the upholstery.

OK, that is not entirely true. I have called the Dr. and the Tipat Chalav nurse today to discuss it with them. Maybe she is sensitive to the formula - she has only really had it twice and threw up both times. Maybe I need to switch to lactose free stuff? Ya, I know, keep pumping.

I know what you are thinking? Where does the slavery come in? That is role of the elder child!
Poor overworked Lucy!

Me: Hadas, Ayelet just threw up. Could you get me a towel please?

Hadas: Um, a towel, ya, OK. (After a few failed attempts at finding a towel, she produces a purple square of terrycloth.)

Me: Thanks sweetie. Oh, could you hand me that diaper over there, please?

Hadas: (Sigh) A diaper, ya, OK. Here.

I didn't know four year olds could sigh! Boy, am I lucky that my (mostly) sweet-tempered first born hasn't heard of emancipation. But I think she has an inkling..

Ayelet was lying on her playmat, happily kicking and I was reading a book. Hadas was running around playing Bride. Ayelet begins to kvetch...

Me: Hadas could you please give Ayelet her motzetz?
Hadas: No, I'm playing. You give it to her.
Me: Please Hadas, be a good big sister and give Ayelet her motzetz!
Hadas (sighing again): Then why are you a Mummy?

I am appropriately chastised and get off the couch to give Ayelet her motzetzi.
By the way, Ayelet was fine this morning, her usual cheerful self.


Anonymous said...

What is in Hadas's hair?

Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying this makes me feel even less inadequate as a mother. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks deb - keep 'em coming!