There have been lots of strange discussions around our house lately. These conversations are at the same time, serious, morbid and hilarious.
Hadas: Everybody has to die right?
Me: Yes, at the right time.
Hadas: G-d decides right?
Me: Yes, that's right.
Hadas: If I were G-d, I would decide.
Me: Um, right.
Hadas: If you and Abba die, and I am still a little girl, would I live in an orphanage?
Me: Uh, no, no, but G-d willing we will be around for a long time, til 120.
Hadas: Maybe until 1000!
Me: OK.
Hadas: Nobody lives until 1000.
Me: You're right.
Hadas: Why doesn't anybody live until 1000?
Me: It is just too old.
Hadas: You don't look old, maybe when you are 1000.
Is anybody else feeling totally lost? I should point out that the orphanage talk came about since I am telling her the story of Anne of Green Gables (see favourite things to your right). My mum is bringing the book, but Hadas wanted to hear what is it about so I have started telling her the story. She really seems to enjoy it, must be the Lucy in her.
We also had our very own Abbot and Costello, Who's on First moment while we walked home from our regular late evening exercises (OK, we went out for burgers).
Hadas: You know that Abba's Sabba, who died, was my Sabba Rabba.
Me: Yes, you're right. He was your Sabba Rabba.
Hadas: What was Abba's Sabba to you?
Me: He was like my Sabba too.
Hadas: Like your Sabba Rabba?
Me: No, like a Sabba, just like Abba.
Hadas: He was like your Abba?
Me: Oh look a cat. (The good old distract and defeat tactic!)
We had another existential conversation as we headed up north for a day of fun in the sun! (Don't worry we were actually in the shade at a giant gymboree type place.) For some reason Hadas started talking about Purim and mean old Haman (boo!! hiss!!)
Hadas: Why did G-d make bad people?
Me: He didn't make bad people, people can choose to be bad.
Hadas: What?
Me: (Crap, what am I getting myself into here) Hashem, let's people decide if they are going to be good or bad, it's called Free Will.
Hadas: Oh, so Haman chose to be bad.
Me: Right.
Hadas: Oh OK.
There is about five minutes of silence.
Hadas: I am going to choose to be good.
Me: That is an excellent choice!
Wow, I did really good in that conversation, she gets it! Now if only I could convince her that being good doesn't include scattering every available card and toy into every corner of the house.
Since there was no mention of Ayelet in this post, I am adding a short video of her here. It is a new feature and I know the quality of the video kind of sucks, but I wanted to see if it worked.
Love it! I LOL'ed thru the whole thing.
I also subscribe to the "non sequitur" parenting style.
How 'bout those Jays?
Wonderful blog...unfortunatley the video stated "not available"
Ah, the mysteries of life never cease.
Great blog, Deb! The video seems to have no sound, tho...
Sorry about the video issues. Some people seem to have some problems seeing/hearing it. I see it fine, maybe try refreshing.
Keep those comments coming!
Heavy but very interesting conversations. Keep writing.
Lots of Love
the video worked great
keep them coming
i dont know where you find the time to do them
im going to try and remember to show them to zadie
thanks for sharing and have a nice shabbos
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